Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Print for Pop Culture: The Art of....

The Assignment: 
The Art Of

The Specs: 
Each of you will art direct/create a 16-page brochure/promotional zine/product spread for a topic of your own choosing with the implied notion of "The Art Of." 
The final output will be a digital printed publication as well as published online at www.issuu.com.
The concept of whatever subject you decide to choose should begin with the notion of something that is truly original, artistic, contemporary, and in the realm of popular culture at this moment.

Your starting point should be the overall idea of "The Art Of."  However I suggest that you do not use the title of "The Art Of" in your own work but instead create a title that aligns itself with your original contemporary concept.

As Art Director for this print and online publication you will be responsible for all aspects of art direction, editing, writing and production. You can enlist assistance from anyone of your choosing to create content or for production value.

You should also give anyone who is assisting you in this assignment credit at the end of the publication. This usually comes in the form of "Acknowledgements" on the last page.

You should integrate typography, imagery and text into the brochure.
This text can be original or you can use text from another resource.   (credited of course.)

Think of this as perhaps a specialty piece to be mailed or given to special clients, distributed at conferences or trade shows, or as a marketing special edition booklet showcasing your chosen brand or product.

Be sure whatever you do represents the brand you choose well and appropriately. To begin, start looking at creative advertising spreads in magazines, catalogs, and direct mail. 

Try to create some sort of story or common theme across your whole booklet that will showcase your brand or product in an artistic,  intelligent, and enticing way. What sort of marketing grabs your attention and makes a favorable impression on you? 

This is a Popular Culture assignment, so think carefully about what sort of current ideas, trends, styles, and imagery would sell a brand or product in today’s market. Be creative!

On the day of the critique, you will show both a digitally printed comp of your brochure and 2 boards showing the cover and a spread that you wish to showcase. Your craft on both the booklet and boards needs to be professional and clean. The final piece should also be showcased online at Issuu.com. I suggest you create 2 copies for yourself.

Size and format: (your choice depending on the concept)
8.5 x11

You will have several format sizes to print. We'll discuss these in class.
Paper choice is critical to this assignment. Any type of specialty paper or use of printing techniques is also important to the final printed piece.

Possibilities for Your Brochure/Booklet:
This has endless possibilities. Think of this as a way to showcase your creativity.

Topics may range from fashion, music, sewing, exercise, collecting, sports, nature, political, 
spiritual, sexuality, automobiles, camping, dance, electronics, decor, fishing, hiking, travel, food, to anything in between.  Again, must be a current topic of popular discussion.

Monday March 30th

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