Sunday, April 19, 2015

Congrats to Evan Luza: A Recipient of The Dean's Art Award 2015

Congratulations to Evan Luza!
This just in! Evan won 2nd place in this year's Dean's Art Award! There were only 2 winners for this cash award and Evan's work will be on display throughout his senior year in the Dean's office where they have an exhibition gallery set up for the public to visit. The committee loved all 5 illustrations he created for the theme "Momentum" and has asked if they could display all 5 works in the Dean's Office throughout 2015-2016.  Evan currently has work on display from this past year in the Dean's office where he was given Honorable Mention.

Again, talent and creativity doesn't go unnoticed and is ultimately rewarded through hard work, dedication, passion, talent and persistence.  Congrats again Evan
All work courtesy of Mr. Evan Luza

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