Tuesday, April 21, 2015

2015 PromaxBDA Student Challenge Story Winner: Andrew Chen

Congratulations to Andrew Chen for winning 1st prize in the International 2015 PromaxBDA Student Story Challenge!

Out of 50+ international submissions and reviews from a selected jury across our membership, “Design Like A Human” is this year’s winner! Andrew will receive:
-A $1,500 cash stipend from PromaxBDA
-PromaxBDA Award
-One seat at Student Portfolio Night and HR Roundtable at the Conference (info here: https://www.promaxbda.org/events/current-events/student-portfolio-night-2015 )
-Winner recognition on the PromaxBDA website
-Year membership in the PromaxBDA

 Way to go Andrew!  Here is his entry that is eloquently written and beautifully crafted.

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