Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Decade Posters and Presentations

Decades of Design:  This is not a group project as much as a tag-team project.
Two designers will work together on the oral presentation. Both designers will create their own poster design for that decade.

1900 – 1910 Caitlin and Emma
1910 - 1920 Hongsoon and Jessie
1920 - 1930 Augusta and Vanna
1930 - 1940 Oreta and Minh
1940 - 1950 Graham and MIchaella

1950 - 1960 Katie
1960 - 1970 Joss and Vichhika
1970 - 1980 Jason and Hanna
1980 - 1990 Evan and Christina
1990 - 2000 Jonathan and Zoe
2000 - 2010 Andres and Ashley

* If anyone would like to change the pairings then it must be a mutual agreement on both parties.

Together you will research and put together a presentation on your specific decade. 
Your presentation should be as thorough as possible for the 10-12 minutes you are given, and should include various media to inform us about your time period: photos, artwork, design, music, documents, and/or video from movies or television shows. Anything relevant.
Anything iconic. Anything that begins to define the decade.

Since we are all designers, give us as many stylistic references as necessary to put your talk in context of your assigned historical period. You can be as creative as you want and use whatever medium you want to enlighten us about your research findings, but both individuals in your group will be required to give part of the presentation.

Each person will also design a poster about your decade in its style. All illustrations and photography must be original! Use typography from the era where possible. You will show this poster when you make your presentation.

You DO NOT have to put the decade or the dates on the poster unless you feel it is appropriate to do so. There are other visual ques that can also denote the decade.
The posters must speak to the entire decade however. 
Size:  18 x 24.
* I'm trying to work it out with the CMC to see if we can print a larger format on a poster paper.
Due: Wednesday 11th

Topics to Include how Graphic Design influenced and was influenced by Popular Culture and world events. Consider the following topics:
1. Music
2. Movies
3. Television
4. Print (books, magazines, newspapers)
5. Art
6. Architecture
7. Fashion
8. Interior Design
9. Industrial Design
10. Historical Events of the Decade (social, political, industrial, economic, technological)
11. Trends and Fads
12. Toys, Hobbies, and Entertainment
13. Sports
14. Well-Known Personalities
...and anything else you think would be appropriate to contextualize your time period.

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